As Allen and I watched TV last night, we somehow got started on movie quotes. We began to talk about some of our favorite lines from some classic movies (at least in our opinion). We had so much fun in doing so, that we compiled a list of our top movie quotes. Can you name any of the movies these quotes are from? We would love to hear your favorite quotes as well!
"Oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling, I can't take it anymore."
"Hey Pinnochio, where YOU going?"
"I come from a long line of overreactors."
"The machine is still on Moira."
"Bye Buddy. Hope you find your dad."
"Snakes, I hate snakes."
"Never mess with a Sicilian when death is on the line."
"This a time for serious people, Bob, and your fifteen minutes are up. My name is Andrew Shepherd, and I AM the President. ...."
"My guess is this is the singing bush."
"Besides, we both know I'm training to become a cagefighter."
"Give me what I want and I'll go away."
"How much you want to bet I can throw a pigskin over them mountains."
La Playa Blanca
5 years ago
That's funny- but I only know just over half of them! One of my favorites is "Morons, I'm surrounded by morons..." from All Dogs Go To Heaven. I also appreciate Happy Gilmore [sucking up to Chubbs] I'm stupid. You're smart. I was wrong. You were right. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're very good-looking. I'm not very attractive.
This is from Tim- A couple more notables: You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed? Tombstone.
My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.
so happy to know that I knew most of those quotes. Some of my favorites come from Nacho Libre: "Get that corn out of my face!" and SO many more!!!
Two of my honorable mentions:
"Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh, really, fool? Really.... Stop looking at me, swan!!!"
"Your mom goes to college"
Love them! Glad to see that the Princess Bride made the cut. I could hear the lisp as I read it!
My favorite:
"The machine is still on, Moira."
A little Clear and Present Danger--right before Moira gets her neck snapped!
(What a great post!)
I totally love Allen's comments about Stop looking at me Swan....
And Tim's comment on Alligator teeth... Hilarious Post!!!
We needed to laugh the other night so we watched Tommy Boy... I love watching Chris Farley do the Maniac Dance at the gasoline station.
I'm usually pretty good at movie quotes, but you stumped me on more than one. I was going to respond, but I've had so much fun I think I'll just post a few of my personal faves on my own blog... thanks! :)
That was fun to reminisce these movies last night with you guys.
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