So my binky-addicted son is now trying to squeeze both of his binkies in his mouth at the same time. About a month ago, his first binky was falling apart, so I bought two new ones. Big mistake! Now instead of just breaking him off the first binky when it fell apart like I should have done, I'm now going to have to break him from two instead. I knew that I would have to pay for my laziness eventually. He thinks he's pretty funny though when I go to get him out of bed in the morning and he's got two shoved in his mouth. If only he would put other things in his mouth, like food!
La Playa Blanca
5 years ago
I have that problem, too. Except my son is two years old and TOTALLY addicted. I don't know what to do!
I had a binki boy and we threw him a binki party to say "goodbye". It worked wonders. We talked about it very excitedly for a month, everyday. Then we had a cake, made up a song, did a parade, had a cutting ceremony then buried them in the back yard. He never asked for them again. But it was hard for him to go to sleep for a couple of nights. He is 5, and still talks about the party.
All my kids have been addicted to their binkis. It's so hard to get them off of them, isn't it?? I'd say the trick right now is for you to get rid of one of those darn binkis. Let him have the remaining one only at bed/nap time. When he wakes up he can say bye bye to the binki for the day and throw it in his drawer.
That's a start anyway! Good luck!!
What a doll! Let the boy have his binkie! (Okay, easy for me to say since it's not my kiddo.) Super D gave his up during June and let me tell you I MISS it! Sacrament has not been the same since.
He is looking more and more like Porter. Cute!
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