This morning I dropped Allen off at the airport for his business trip to New York City this week. Although he has taken many business trips before and I'm sure there are many more to come, I still hate it when he has to leave. As I pulled out of the airport, I felt that pit in the stomach that I know won't go away until he returns home. I have tried to put my finger on this feeling many times and I still can't quite figure it out. It may come from knowing that he will see places of the world that I will never see, go to nice restaurants that I could never dream of going to, or simply the fact that I hate being apart. So as I was driving home from the airport, I decided that there must be positive things on my end that I'm just not seeing yet. So I thought about it the whole way home and came up with a few reasons why business traveling may not be so bad after all.
1. I can sleep on Allen's ultra-comfortable pillow.
2. I can have McDonald's for every meal if I so choose.
3. I can catch up on all my old episodes of Jon & Kate Plus 8 that I can't watch when Allen is
home because he can't stand the sound of Kate's voice.
4. He always brings home great souveniers for the kids.'
5. I can hog the entire bed if I want.
If anyone has discovered any more great reasons why it's great for your husband to be out of town, please share. Maybe someday, the pit in my stomach will go away, but until then, I will try and make the best of it.
La Playa Blanca
5 years ago
I can so relate! I HATE being apart from Josh. The time just drags by. Also, I can't watch Jon & Kate plus eight if he's home because he thinks she's a horrible naggy person and can't stand it. (But I love it!) Rent yourself a chick flick and cry. Last time Josh left, I watched "P.S. I Love You" and wept. But it helped a bit.
AMEN sister!! I agree with you completely. Like we said, they get to eat out and see all these cool places. What do we get to see? Dirty diapers and dishes - NICE. But, all your positives are things that I love to do when Nathan's gone yoo. I watched a chick flick every night last week. It was great! Hang in there . . .
You don't have to shave your legs... enough said. :)
I have decided that it can be kinda fun for me and the girls when Shad is in NY for Jetblue. We get to just do whatever we want with no "schedule" Since Dad isn't coming home from work, we are less formal with dinner can stay out later in the girl movies together and so on. I just try to make it fun time for me and the kids...I totally know what you mean though on feeling left out sort he is having all the fun while you sit home. I felt that way a lot especially when he would have to go while the twins were still babies. That totally sucked but I have worked really hard to see the bright side! One thing that rocks..I don't have to clean the house! LOL He isn't here to see it...I relax a little more. Good luck...have fun with your kiddos and he will be back before you know it!
Okay, here's a positive for you. You can blow your whole grocery budget on sales and no one is the wiser... Well, I guess maybe that isn't that great, but it's all I had. Maybe you should go really crazy and die your hair or buy a new car.
You forgot a few obvious ones.
1. No methane overload.
2. No wrestle mania just before bed (it helps calm the kids down.
3. No hurts donuts.
No trail of clothes leading to the basement
No one standing over my shoulder while I'm cooking asking,"Are you sure that's right?"
Girl's night out!! Get a babysitter! You deserve it!
No snoring
No one to say, "What is this mess?"
And finally, no stinky socks being thrown at you for laughs!
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