Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My first race

Well, I finally did it! I ran my first 5k race. I've been running for a few months now and have absolutely loved it. I didn't really think I was ready for a race yet, but my cousin Amy talked me into running this race with her last Saturday. She's an amazing runner and I felt encouraged going with her. This race was the first in a winter racing circuit and was held in the hills above Weber State. When I say hills, I really mean hills. Had I known about all the hills beforehand, I may have chickened out. It really was pretty brutal. We finished the race in 37:00, which I'm very proud of, considering it was my first race and all the hills. We even had enough left in us to sprint to the finish line. I thought I might throw up at that moment, but I managed to hold it in.

This picture was taken after the race, hence the red faces. It was freezing that morning! My dad came to the race and took more pictures of us finishing, but I haven't received those pictures yet. I'll post more when I get them.

There's a 10k in two weeks and then a half-marathon in May, which is what I'm ultimately working for this year. Thanks again, Amy! I had a blast!


joyce said...

hmmm, I think I know which hills you're talking about. I used to live above Weber State... they really are brutal! Good for you for doing something you didn't think you could do... I think that's awesome!

The Ormsby's said...

Awesome!! I've heard about those races. Way to go.

Jennie said...

Wow! Nice job! That is so inspiring. Thanks for a dose of motivation today!

linnellbelle said...

Way to Go Shannon!

Dreamer said...

Congrats on the race girlie! I hope you get into the 1/2 marathon, that would be awesome. Do you want to run the wastch back relay with us? A friend of our might be starting a team. It kicks your butt, but it is a blast. I am so in! We needto get together for lunch. Are you free next week?

Celeste said...

Very Impressive! When we start walking to school again in the morning, (when the snow leaves us alone!) you'll have to drag me behind you.

Hayley said...

You are an inspiration to a lot of us, with your rosy cheeks and everything.

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