Monday, August 11, 2008


We have been trying to take a day trip up the canyon all summer and it seems like something always comes up every Saturday. So when last Saturday rolled around and we were done with the yard work, we decided to go for it. We packed a lunch and drove to South Fork, which is just past Pineview Dam. We found a great spot to play in the river. The kids had a ball wading and throwing rocks (next time we'll bring tubes). After that we ate lunch and did some hiking. Allen led us on a trail to a really cool cave that the kids climbed through. The weather was beautiful and so were the mountains. After days like this, we always wonder why we don't do it more often. I guess life gets crazy and busy, but we are so glad that we seized the spare moments we had and enjoyed such a good time together. Allen, Hannah, and Tate on the way to the cave.
Tate took a dive off the rock he was sitting on and fell headfirst into the river. We think he only swallowed a little water, and we've crossed our fingers that he doesn't get giarrdhea, whirling disease, or any other nasty bugs from swallowing too much river water.

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