Sunday, July 6, 2008


What I didn't mention about the Fourth of July was Porter's knee injury. He was jumping on a trampoline with some bigger cousins of his when he came down wrong on his left knee. He immediately started screaming and we ran over to get him off. We couldn't tell what was wrong, but we knew he was hurt because he generally doesn't cry like that. We decided not to take him to the doctor, because it was so late on the 4th and to see how his knee looked in the morning. Well, he woke up Saturday morning in a lot of pain so I took him to the Instacare. The doctor examined his leg and then told me he thought his femur was broken and that he would need a full leg cast and would potentially need surgery. Of course, all this came before the X-rays. The doctor gave me just enough information to sufficiently freak me out. To make a long story short, the X-rays were negative for a break, just some straining of the ligaments on the back side of his knee. The doctor got us some crutches which Porter loves to walk on and he's getting pretty good. We just have to keep the knee wrapped, steady Ibuprofen, and lots of rest. Porter's not doing so well on the lots of rest part. It will definitely be a long few days for him. We really hope that the strained ligaments is all it is. He woke up this morning, Sunday with a left foot that is very swollen. We have been icing it all day, but we hope that the doctor didn't miss anything. I guess we'll watch really close the next few days and hope that the swelling goes down and that this is the end of it.


Ryan said...

Oh, how sad! Give Porter a big hug from his crazy Uncle Ryan. Keep me posted!

Dreamer said...

That same thing happened to Sam last summer. Those darn big kids are just too rough. We went to the instacare too and nothing was broken. The lame doctor we saw gave us no crutches (he would not walk for a week, he just scooted on his bum and pulled himself along with his good leg)and did not ever wrap his knee. He was lame. Hope Porter gets better soon!

Kady said...

How's Porter doing now? Hope all is well. Looks like you guys enjoyed a great holiday despite the injury!

The Ormsby's said...

Hi!! It's Jennifer Ormsby (from the ward) I found your blog through Celeste. What a bummer for Porter. I saw him walking on the crutches. Hope he's doing better. Hope you don't mind if I do a little "lurking" on your blog?

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