Saturday, February 7, 2009

You win some, you lose some...

I don't really consider myself an expert cook, but I would venture enough to say that I'm decent. I can hold my own in the kitchen and I provide my family with a good variety of meals that are usually quite good. Well, this wasn't the case last Monday.

I was making one of our favorite family meals, broccoli alfredo sauce over pasta. I've made this dish a hundred times, it's one of my go-to meals. I put in my first two ingredients that I know by heart, and then began to look for the recipe. I couldn't find it anywhere, so I guessed on the butter. I didn't think it was a big deal, but looking back, I should have taken it as omen for what was to come.

As I worked on the sauce, I put the garlic bread in the oven to cook. A little bit later, I began to smell something burning. I checked the sauce and the noodles and they were fine, so I forgot about the smell. The kids then began to tell me that something was burning. Again, I checked the noodles and sauce and everything was fine. It never occurred to me that it could be the bread burning. By the time I remembered the bread in the oven, it was way too late. That stuff was burned to a crisp. The whole house smelled terrible. I decided to shake it off and make an extra-large salad to make up for the lack of bread. I grabbed the lettuce from the crisper only to find that it was frozen solid. Unbelievable! I've never had anything freeze in the crisper. And just for your information, lettuce doesn't defrost well in the microwave. It kind of turns a strange brown color. My sauce at this point didn't look quite right either, but I kept adding butter until it looked edible.

Luckily, the sauce turned out quite nice and we ate it, even without bread or salad. We were starving after, but thank goodness for extra FHE treats on Monday nights.


Ryan said...

That's my sister!

joyce said...

I can totally empathize. Every once in a while I really STINK in the kitchen and I can't figure out what happened!! One thing I ALWAYS fail at is cooking a recipe that calls for potatoes. Whether they're mashed, sliced, or diced.. I can't seem to get it right. Ugh!

Melony said...

I can't tell you how many times I have burned garlic bread while making something else! Isn't interesting how some meals just go like that!

Dreamer said...

You're running the Ogden 1/2 too!!? How exciting. Have you done one before? How are you training? On a treadmill or outside? I am running on the treadmill for now cuz I am a wimp and can't handle the cold. I just hope race day will be nice weather. It can still be a bit iffy in May. Good luck! I wish we lived closer, we could run together.

linnellbelle said...

I totally have cooking days like that...or sometimes weeks...eeek!
Way to go on the marathon! Holy Cow! That is awes0me!

Lori said...

Shannon, I see you have my recipe for garlic bread. I'm impressed with your sticktuitiveness. I would have ordered pizza after the bread disaster. I love your blog. Your a pro huh? I'm still learning but your inspiring me. By the way keep up the running!!!

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